Pool Balls image Radcliffe and District Pool League
Player Statistics


Won (6) Lost (2) 8-Balls (0)

WeekGameHome Player8-BallHome Team  Away Player8-BallAway Team
35 N.Morris Towler Inn L W E.Donaldson Waggonmakers
44 K.Tobin Sundial Hotel L W N.Morris Towler Inn
56 N.Morris Towler Inn W L C.Green The Duck Club
75 N.Morris Towler Inn W L S.Veichmans The Railway
85 O.Resch The Wellington L W N.Morris Towler Inn
95 N.Morris Towler Inn W L J.Owen Red Lion
117 N.Morris Towler Inn L W C.McHugh The Old Crow
125 G.Johnson Overdraught L W N.Morris Towler Inn