Pool Balls image Radcliffe and District Pool League
Player Statistics


Won (2) Lost (4) 8-Balls (0)

WeekGameHome Player8-BallHome Team  Away Player8-BallAway Team
25 D.Crook Tottington Con Club W L T.Colbert Hark To Dandler
44 A.Byrne Royal Oak B W L T.Colbert Hark To Dandler
57 T.Colbert Hark To Dandler W L S.Kay White Boar 'B'
74 L.Stockley St Mary's W L T.Colbert Hark To Dandler
115 R.Butterworth Cotton Tree W L T.Colbert Hark To Dandler
127 N.Stanbank Wilton Arms L W T.Colbert Hark To Dandler