Pool Balls image Radcliffe and District Pool League
Player Statistics


Won (2) Lost (8) 8-Balls (0)

WeekGameHome Player8-BallHome Team  Away Player8-BallAway Team
47 D.Wood Wilton Arms W L J.Hardman Spotted Cow
53 W.Beamer Peel Hotel W L D.Wood Wilton Arms
62 D.Wood Wilton Arms L W A.Foster Cotton Tree
123 D.Wood Wilton Arms W L S.Boardman Hark To Dandler
133 R.Silvester Foresters Arms "B" W L D.Wood Wilton Arms
143 D.Wood Wilton Arms L W D.Bonney St Mary's
152 S.Tyney Spotted Cow W L D.Wood Wilton Arms
165 D.Wood Wilton Arms L W W.Beamer Peel Hotel
187 D.Twist White Boar 'B' W L D.Wood Wilton Arms
214 D.Wood Wilton Arms L W R.Reid The Dressers