Pool Balls image Radcliffe and District Pool League
Player Statistics


Won (8) Lost (0) 8-Balls (0)

WeekGameHome Player8-BallHome Team  Away Player8-BallAway Team
16 L.Lee St Mary's W L R.Tonge Wilton Arms "B"
77 L.Lee St Mary's W L Z.Galbraith Hark To Dandler
87 D.Twist White Boar 'B' L W L.Lee St Mary's
97 R.Stott Foresters Arms "B" L W L.Lee St Mary's
106 L.Lee St Mary's W L C.Sheehan Cotton Tree
156 L.Lee St Mary's W L M.Keighery-Simons The Dressers
202 L.Lee St Mary's W L C.Callaghan Foresters Arms "B"
217 R.Butterworth Cotton Tree L W L.Lee St Mary's